This idea has been discust at the yahoo speedcubing forum:

The idea was when you are building the centers. You already start with connecting the egdes. When you set up the red line you connect 2 pairs of edges and build the center. When you set up the red and blue line you connect 4 pairs of edges and build the center. The purple line is lucky when it connects.
Explanation of the method:
I started playing with (Rr)' F (Rr)
Do this alg and see what i mean:
(Rr') F' (Rr) (rev. of the above)
You see UB UF UR FL FD edges pairs.
i solve the centers up to when i see that 3 centers needs to be
1th step:
Look at UB edges then first im looking for UBr and place that in UFl
and then UFr to the FDl and do (Rr)' F (Rr)
Then 2 edge pairs are connected.
and 2 centers to go.
2nd step:
Looking at UB the first look at UBl and place the temporay in URb
then look at UBr place that in UFl and then UFr to the FDl then FDr
to the URf
then i do L to set URb in place on FLu Then do (Rr)' F (Rr)
Then 4 edge pairs are connected
and 1 center to go
3rd step:
repeat step 2
Then 4 edge pairs are connected
and centers done.
and left with.
1 left with 3 edge pairs to connect
2 left with 2 edge pairs to connect
3 all edges solved
4 not run into any others yet :-)
The same is with the alg: (Rr)' F (Rr)2 U' (Rr)'
In the picture you see the edge that are going to connect.