The love for dot OLL's you can see all the stickers on the U layer. The easy part are the corners can be recognised the same as COLL. So yo can filter the PLL to the sections: HUZ, ENVY or G(i)FTJAR.
The HUZ section are the easy ones. When you know what the algorithm does to the edges you can visualize which pll you will get. If not you can learn the patterns
For examble:
R U2 R2 F R F' U2 R' F R F'

Here you can see what this algorithm is doing to the edges:
The Corners and Edges change like a "F PLL"
When taking a closer look some are mirrors from each other.
What is quite special about this OLL is that it is symmetric. There are many duplicates.
On a solved cube: F R' F' R U2 F R' F' R2 U2 R' (This is the revers of the OLL 1)
When doing a U2 and then solve the OLL you will end with a "E PLL"
Solved: R U2 R2 F R F' U2 R' F R F'
E PLL: U2 R U2 R2 F R F' U2 R' F R F'
The Full list of all the PLL's and cross out the ones you dont like.

Recognition made easy:

You have to look at the UL ULF / UR URF stickers
same code as for ZBLL recognition
C = Colors are Correct
A = Colors are Adjacent
O = Colors are Opposite
If you have the corners like the pic in the ENVY list do a U2 to get the pictures from the HUZ list
HUZ corners (COLL)
ENVY corners (COLL)
All image are generated with VisualCube